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Privacy policy

In the Protection Protection Code, our privacy is primarily important to us. This Privacy Policy document is set out the outline of the types of personal information received and combines the code of protection and
how to use it.

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Use a subscriber companies to a view to the advertising and when visiting our blog, the company is entitled to use information about your visits (excluding the name, address, email address or phone number); To make ads about goods and services you are interested in cookies DART

Note that you can prevent the use of the cookie DART - If you want - pressing here
If you want to know the options available to you to prevent this information by these companies and more information about our privacy policy, please read the following 

lines of carefully:

Our privacy is very important for us, the privacy policy in this document is the outline of the types of personal information we collect and how to use them before and not by our admirals.

We use ads Google, As an external financial resources, Google has uses cookies to show ads on our site.

Thus you will be able Google, Using the cookie DART From the advertisement view “By concerns” Users based on their visits to our sites.

And of course our virtualizers can disable the file use Link definition DART Visit our privacy policy Advertising  Google The content network

Income files:

Code (Creative Technication Create) This file includes the Internet Protocol (addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (Internet service providers), date / time, and clicks for analysis of trends). In most like other servers, here and here's through this process, it is not intended to collect all the information in the ways to stress the corresponding personal visitors, but is an analytical ill-purpose results for Google's improved quality of purpose. This is added to this that is all that this saved preserved by us is quite confidential, and remains within the scope of development and improvement of our site only.

Privacy Policy:

Of course, these declared companies are the third party in the policy of privacy, they continue to be such data and statistics through Internet protocols for improved quality of their ads and measuring their effectiveness. As these companies are under the agreements that are entitled to use technical means such as (cookies, network settings, and special code components "Java Script") for the same above purposes, which are in the development of advertising content of these companies and measuring the effectiveness of these ads, without any other objectives that may harm or otherly visitors to our visitors.

Of course, you review the privacy policy of the third party in this document (the advertiser companies - Google AdSense) or ad networks for more information about their practices and various activities

To review the privacy policy of the first advertising program in the Google AdSense program To a corporation Google Please Pressing here  We are bound in the terms of this agreement

 To show you how to disable the cookies property, where you can do this through your browser options, or by following your privacy policyAdvertising Google The content network.